Species: Calamari Squid, Australian Salmon & Gummy Shark
The Squid are coming but are very patchy with Anglers reporting either great success or dismal luck, with the Calamari proving to still be quite fickle along the coast, running a spread of squid jigs and homing in on what colours working, the best way to go.
Anglers also found plenty of Australian Salmon at the mouth of the river to keep them entertained. Further offshore, Anglers had caught some great Gummy Sharks.
Species: Sea Run Trout.
The word is out on the Sea Runners in the upper reaches of the Tamar/Kanamaluka Estuary with the Tailrace resembling UTAS Stadium on game day over the weekend. The Sea Runners don’t stop there with Trout being caught further up in the Cataract Gorge. Anglers often over look the Cataract Gorge and the upper banks of the River as a fishery but over the years there has been some impressive fish caught from there. A freshwater fishing license will be required if you fish further up from the Tailrace.
Species: Big Bream, Trevally and Australian Salmon
The recent rain should work wonders for Ansons Bay with the estuary getting a large flush out, reguventating the water way, removing the stale water and providing plenty of new food and nutrition for the up coming summer.
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