With many anglers opting to spend the weekend enjoying the football, reports from around the state have been a bit limited.
Species: Cocky Salmon and Flathead.
Many anglers have been having good success in and around Garden Island chasing the Flathead. The Flathead in the river tend to be on the small side so it pays to use a bottom rig with smaller hooks.
Further up the river, schools of Cocky Salmon have been reported around the farewell beacon. A simple small silver slice is all you need to catch these.
Species: Brown Trout.
Located in the upper reaches of the Mersey River, Lake Rowallan is the first of 2 hydro dams along the river. The most popular form of fishing in the lake is bait fishing, worms, grubs or mudeyes. How ever, this past week we have had a number of anglers reporting good catches using soft plastics, in particular the Berkley Black and Gold T-Tail.
Species: Blackback Salmon.
For those wondering, Blackback Salmon are older Cocky Salmon and are generally found in slightly deeper coastal waters. Same as the Cocky Salmon the best way to target these fish is with a simple silver lure, something like the Halco Slice or the Jack Eye Shot Jigs.
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