Species:Â Bluefin Tuna.
Eaglehawk Neck is once again the go to destination for your best chance at targeting the Bluefin. With a number of Barrels and Schoolies being caught throughout the week.
Species:Â Bluefin Tuna.
The Boys down the North West Coast have done it again, landing a Barrel Bluefin in Bass Strait waters. Its been often theorized that the Bluefin would run through the Strait sporadically, now we have more evidence that they do! Due to the vast area it would be beneficial to cruise around and find some bait on the sounder to enhance your chances of catching one.
Species:Â Brown Trout.
Anglers took advantage of the extended trout season at Lake Rosebery over the weekend with some great looking Brown Trout pulled from its waters on soft plastics. You have until the end of this month to fish this late season lake!
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