A wild and woolley weekend on the East Coast left many anglers shore bound and even resulted in the St Helens Game Fishing Classic being fully cancelled for the first time ever.
Species:Â Bluefin Tuna.
For those who braved the rough conditions on the East Coast, were rewarded with good catches of Bluefin Tuna. Halco Max and Skirted Lures working well.
Species: Snapper & Gummy Shark.
The North Coast off Devonport once again the place to be up this end of the state with good catches of Snapper and Gummy Sharks landed over the past week. The fresher the bait, the better your chances on catching either.
Species: Whiting.
Great to eat and fun to catch for the entire family. Plenty of Whiting down and around the Kelso flats area of the river. Hayabusa purpose built Whiting rigs the easiest and most effective way to target them.
Need fishing gear? We have a huge range – drop into the store to have a look, or browse our new online catalogue!